CUETools Advanced Settings: Scripts

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Scripts tab

CUETools Adv Settings Scripts.png

Custom scripts are used to slightly modify the program's behavior.

Included scripts


No change. Normal program behavior.

only if found

Limits the Action: Verify. When used, the program will only process the input if possible matches are found in the AccurateRip Database.

fix offset

Modifies the Action: Encode. When used, the program will change (fix) the data offset of the input if the input meets the predefined requirements.

encode if verified

Limits the Action: Encode. When used, the program will only process the input if the input meets the predefined requirements.


Modifies the Action: Encode. When used, the program will contact the CUETools Database and retrieve recovery data (if available) for the input. The program will then attempt to repair the broken rip. See also Known issues.

Advanced users can create their own scripts

Note: I would make a backup of %AppData%\CUE Tools\settings.txt first so you can return the program to its current state if your script doesn't work as expected.

  • Click any script name and press the insert key on your keyboard.
A small textbox will appear with new highlighted.
  • Give your new script a name.

You can select either or both.
Verify {checkbox}
Select if the script modifies the Action: Verify.
Encode {checkbox}
Select if the script modifies the Action: Encode.
Empty Textbox
Enter your CODE here.
Compile {button}
Click to compile your script for program use.

Please share your scripts!

You can post them to the Development Thread.

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